98 How Bryce Manages Mom Guilt

Bryce Reddy is a family therapist specializing in maternal mental health, and one of the most quotable people I’ve ever interviewed. In this eisode, she shares her insights about mom guilt, judgement, and how we can support each other.

I first encountered Bryce Reddy after I had just bought a new bra for the first time in 10 years. Someone shared Bryce’s graphic entitled  “Things Moms put off doing for themselves, including things like scheduling their own medical and dental visits, having fun with friends, and yes, updating their bras and underwear. I laughed out loud because of how inordinately proud I was at myself for finally buying those new bras. This woman gets me. Spoiler alert. She gets you too.

Since that day, I’ve followed Bryce on Instagram @mombrain.therapist and her graphics are window to my soul, with subtle humor and endless compassion.

So of course I wanted to have her on the podcast, and of course it turned out to be one of the most quotable interviews I’ve ever done, covering a range of topics from mom guilt to judgment to being gentle with ourselves. It was so hard to pick just one sound byte for the intro. You’ll see what I mean.

Bryce Reddy is a family therapist, specializing in maternal mental health. She is also a mother herself, with three children, ages 8, 5, and 7 months, though her baby was just three months old at the time of this interview.