92 How Jen Martin Organizes

Today we get to take a deep dive into organizing our homes with Jen Martin, founder of the fabulous company Reset Your Nest. We’ll talk about Jen’s overall approach to organizing, from the perspective of both organizing for clients and in her own home.

Jen Martin is one of those people who was born organized. I picture her lining up her binkies in a nice little row and rearranging the changing table. Lucky for us, she’s turned gift into a vocation, teaching those of us who were not born that way. But she’s not one of those pushy, my-way-or-the-highway types–she customizes the organization to work for the family she’s working with.

Today we get to take a deep dive into organizing our homes with Jen Martin, founder of the fabulous company Reset Your Nest. We’ll talk about Jen’s overall approach to organizing, from the perspective of both organizing for clients and in her own home. Then we’ll go deeper into three specific areas: the kitchens, the toy room, and the garage.

One of the things I love about Jen is that she doesn’t keep her wisdom close to her chest. Sure, she would love you to hire Reset Your Nest to come and organize your home. But she knows that not everyone has the budget, and she wants everyone to be able to live in an organized house that they love. So she teaches. And she teaches well. When you go to resetyournest.com, you’ll want to go straight to the blog, where you’ll find both a spring cleaning and spring organizing checklist that you can print out and use to guide your own reset. Her kitchen series on Instagram was a revelation to me. She goes step by step in different zones, showing efficient ways to organize them all.