90 How She Manages Stuff

The first of three episodes focusing first on the strategic level of managing stuff, then decluttering, then organizing. In this episode, we delve into our objectives for decluttering and organizing our homes, our relationships with our stuff, how our personalities affect the way we manage our stuff, and how we decide what to keep and what to chuck.

Let me introduce you to three women that have changed my life:

Carly Thornock has changed the way I think about my relationship to my house and the stuff in it at a strategic level.

I actually like it a little better when my house is clean. But if there’s a mess here, it’s no big deal, I know how to handle that. It’s not gonna make me angry. It’s not gonna make me overwhelmed. Because things can’t make me do anything. My stuff doesn’t make me feel–ever. My stuff is just stuff.

Dana K. White helped me realize that my mind, like hers, works differently than naturally organized people, which means I need different tactics.

When I realized that this is how my brain works, it made me realize, okay, I don’t need to feel like a failure. Because traditional organizing advice doesn’t work for me. Like I had read the books, I had looked at things I had tried. And every time it didn’t work, I felt like a failure. And I would think, Okay, I think I’m actually hopeless. Like, I think I’m actually broken. I think this is actually impossible for me. But when I started to realize, oh, there’s a direct relationship between how my brain works and how I function in my home, I said, Okay, well, I don’t want to feel like a failure, because traditional organizing doesn’t work for me, you know, it’s written by organized people. Instead, I just have to figure out what does work for me.

and Jen Martin is a logistical, organizational mastermind.

It’s something I’ve always loved. I’ve always been drawn to it. My roommates in college made fun of me for color coding my

Today, this trifecta of home management geniuses is going to help us all rethink the way we manage the stuff in our own homes.

(Rest of transcript coming soon)