I’ve had several people suggest that I start a podcast for How She Moms. And as a podcast addict myself, I’d love to oblige. It’s much more convenient to listen to a podcast while doing dishes or folding laundry than it is to sit and read someone’s blog. I entertained the idea, with a sense of dread. I just don’t have the time, between raising five young kids and writing and researching for this blog. Plus, I just don’t really want to. 

Then I discovered the 3 In 30 Podcast. And now I don’t have to start a podcast. Rachel Nielson, the podcast’s creator and host, has done it for me. She has created the motherhood podcast I would have wanted to createbut way better.  

Her premise is simple: “30-minute podcasts with 3 doable takeaways to make your family life a little better each week.” Each weekly episode has a very specific and practical topic, such as “How to Stop Yelling at Your Kids,” “Three Keys to a Happier Marriage” and “Controlling Kids’ Clutter.”

She interviews fabulous women (plus her cute grandpa, in one episode) and organizes each podcast into three distinct takeaways that really are doable, as promisednot overly ambitious, guilt-inducing burdens to add to your workload. Rachel is a talented interviewer: she always seems to ask her guests the exact questions I am wondering about. I’ve been binging this podcast and have loved every episode, even the ones I thought I wasn’t interested in. 

I could go on raving, but then I’d cut into your listening time. I will provide a taste of what her podcast is all about by listing three of my favorite episodes and their takeaways (it was hard to choose). Skim my list, then go spend 30 minutes with Rachel. She’ll soon become one of your favorite podcast friends, like she is mine. (You can find 3 in 30 Podcasts on iTunes, Stitcher, or on her website: 3in30podcast.com. Click on the images below to go directly to that episode.)

1) Sit down and make a list of the unique gifts that YOU bring to your children.

2) Only follow social media accounts that enhance what you are already good at. (Julie calls this “ancillary material.” And don’t worry, she defines that.)

3) Recognize that you will be a source of joy and a source of disappointment for others throughout your life…and that’s okay.

1) Take advantage of small opportunities to build connection by simply being present wherever we are.  

2) Follow the advice that we give our children about being a good friend.

3) Don’t wait for life conditions to be perfect before extending friendship to others.

1) Words of Affirmation: Send your husband a loving note, text, or email every day for a month

2) Quality Time: Dedicate ten minutes every single night to just sitting and talking with your spouse, with no phones anywhere in sight!

3) Physical Touch: Have sex every other day for a month (don’t worry–she doesn’t get too steamy on this one, but her story is pretty fascinating)