How she Takes Care of Herself Part 2
In the last episode, we talked about why self-care is important and some great ideas of how to make it happen. Today, we’re going to talk to three moms who have figured out how to take care of themselves while taking care of their kids, in three very different ways and in three different situations.
How She Takes Care of Herself, Part 1
Ok moms, you’ve trained for this. You’ve clocked hours and hours washing, feeding, clothing, and comforting a human being. Maybe several human beings. You’ve researched how much sleep they need, [...]
How She Finds Time Alone
This episode is all about how to find islands of our own—islands of time and islands of space where moms can be alone and recharge. This is the first of two episodes about self care. The next one will include lots of different ways to care for ourselves, but I wanted to start with this episode because I feel like this desperate need for alone time is pretty unique to motherhood, and especially to motherhood right now, in a time of homeschooling, remote schooling, and working from home.
How You Do Laundry
For the full workshop experience, listen to the episode above while you follow along in the workbook! Download it here for just $5!
Meal Planning 101
For the full workshop experience, listen to the episode above while you follow along in the workbook! Download it here for just $5!
Home Management
For the full workshop experience, listen to the episode above while you follow along in the workbook! Download it here for just $5!