How Anna Lisa Heals Herself (and Other Moms) After Childbirth

By |2023-11-17T21:31:12+00:00February 3, 2022|Health|

Dr. Anna Lisa Jones talks about recovering from pregnancy both physically and mentally, which are really all wrapped up together. She tells her story about how she learned to prioritize her own health after having four children, and also about how she helps her patients recover—including me!

How Kelley Navigates Special Needs

By |2023-11-17T21:30:47+00:00January 18, 2022|Grief, Meet an Interesting Mom, Motherhood, Relationships|

Kelley Durrant tells about the unexpected paths she has traveled as a mother, including infertility, the loss of a daughter and a son with special needs, but also lots of learning, giving, and adventure, including a surprise, record-breaking physical talent, a year living abroad, and a cow named Tina.

How Chantel Allen Manages Anxiety

By |2023-11-17T21:47:19+00:00January 26, 2021|Mental Health, Uncategorized|

Today, I’m delighted to share some of the highlights from a conversation I had with Chantel Allen, a mom of four and a life coach. She’ll talk about some of the different stages of motherhood, and her career path from preschool teacher to life coach. We also talk about how she has learned to live with anxiety and help her children through some of the same challenges.

How She Finds Time Alone

By |2023-11-17T21:57:37+00:00October 22, 2020|Mental Health, Motherhood, Uncategorized|

This episode is all about how to find islands of our own—islands of time and islands of space where moms can be alone and recharge. This is the first of two episodes about self care. The next one will include lots of different ways to care for ourselves, but I wanted to start with this episode because I feel like this desperate need for alone time is pretty unique to motherhood, and especially to motherhood right now, in a time of homeschooling, remote schooling, and working from home.


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