How She Supports Other Moms
Artwork by Caitlin Connolly "women with and without children." Ten tips from sixteen different moms (and one dad) about how to support each other, make healthy comparisons, and just be good neighbors.
How She Dismantles the Mommy Wars
Are Mommy Wars real? And if so, how do we end them? Today, we discuss the history of the Mommy Wars, what they're all about, and how we can end them, already.
How Jen Martin Organizes
A deep dive into organizing our homes with Jen Martin, founder of the fabulous company Reset Your Nest.
Episode 91: How Dana Declutters
Dana K. White, founder of A Slob Comes Clean, is a decluttering expert for the rest of us. The ones who struggle.
How She Manages Stuff
How we feel about our stuff, how we manage it, and how we decide what to keep and what to toss.
How Monica Deals with Guilt and Shame
Monica Packer, host of the About Progress podcast, philosophizes about the origins and impact of mom guilt, and what to do about it.
How She Deals with Mom Guilt
Ten tips to help you deal with mom guilt and shame--from ten different moms.
How She Feels Mom Guilt
What is Mom Guilt, and why do we feel it?
How She Celebrates Birthdays
This episode gives you permission to celebrate birthdays in whatever way fits your personality and family. But--it also includes a piñata full of great ideas about how different moms do birthday parties, gifts, food, and relationship-building traditions.
How Anna Lisa Heals Herself (and Other Moms) After Childbirth
Dr. Anna Lisa Jones talks about recovering from pregnancy both physically and mentally, which are really all wrapped up together. She tells her story about how she learned to prioritize her own health after having four children, and also about how she helps her patients recover—including me!
How Whitney Experiments– Winter 2022
My home is my laboratory. I talk about our current experiments including our current bedtime and morning routines; physical fitness; teen driving; chores; and my recent, life-changing surgery. I also do a little Christmas post-mortem to talk about what worked and what didn’t this holiday season. After I tackle tech, I’ll also share some experiments for How She Moms itself.
How Kelley Navigates Special Needs
Kelley Durrant tells about the unexpected paths she has traveled as a mother, including infertility, the loss of a daughter and a son with special needs, but also lots of learning, giving, and adventure, including a surprise, record-breaking physical talent, a year living abroad, and a cow named Tina.